PAWS-GIST Clinic – November 2019

The 17th PAWS-GIST clinic was held at Addenbrookes in Cambridge on 28th & 29th November 2019.

Seven patients and their carers joined us for a very helpful clinic as evidenced by the feedback that was received:

"I hadn’t realised how much I was holding onto in the weeks before the clinic. Chatting to others helped before our appointments."

"During clinic my fears were helped & then on the journey home things felt clearer & calmer."

"The doctors are amazing and treat everyone with a personable approach."

"Thank you to all the organisers and to Ramesh for giving up his valuable time."

"Everything involved before, during & after from all the team is a gift given to us. Thank you for the experience. It was invaluable."

The welcome meal on the evening before the clinic is a great opportunity for everyone to meet informally, get to know and help one another.

Professor Andrew Hall

Professor Andrew Hall

We were joined on this occasion by Professor Andy Hall who is famous for many things including helping GIST Cancer UK to establish the National GIST Tissue Bank in the UK.

Professor Hall is working with PAWS-GIST as part of establishing RARECAN which we hope will help rare cancer patients who are in need of new treatments to connect with pharma companies who have such treatments

As is usual, the clinic did not run exactly to time. Every patient is allowed as much time as they need to discuss their individual situation and ask all of the questions they have, of the specialist team. Every individual leaves the clinic with an agreed way forward.

Our next clinic was due to be held on 3rd April 2020 but has been postponed further to the Corona Virus pandemic.

We hope to convene the next PAWS-GIST clinic later in 2020 when the situation is safe to proceed. In the meantime we will accept registrations for the next clinic via this website or by referral from a PAWS-GIST patient’s treating physician.

Sincere thanks to Dr Bulusu, Dr Casey, Dr Giger, Professor Maher and everyone who is involved in organising and running the PAWS-GIST clinics.

Posted in PAWS-GIST News.