PAWS-GIST Clinic – December 2023

On 1st December the third PAWS-GIST clinic of 2023 was hosted at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge.

As is customary, the clinic was preceded by a welcome dinner on Thursday evening.

An opportunity for patients and their families to meet in a relaxed setting, ready to carry-on new friendships the next day.








The clinic ran very much like clockwork, we think that this may be a first!

Everyone expressed gratitude to Drs Bulusu, Casey, Benson, Giger, Harrington, Mahmood and all of the PAWS-GIST consortium members for their dedication to the needs of ultra-rare GIST patients and for making this special clinic and research to improve treatments happen, as evidenced by some of the feedback:

“Thank you to all, from the bottom of our hearts. We would be totally lost without your knowledge and support”
“Such a dedicated and hard working team. It means so much to all of us to have your support and care. Our PAWS GIST family truly appreciate all you do”
“Dr Bulusu and his colleagues were so lovely and knowledgeable. It was a relief to finally get some clarification and to know there is more to come. I came home knowing I was not alone and that this type of GIST is being researched by a very dedicated team. Thank you to Jayne & all the team for making this happen”.


Posted in PAWS-GIST News.