PAWS-GIST Clinic 14 – December 2018

Last week we held the fourteenth PAWS-GIST clinic at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge.

As is customary we met for dinner on the previous evening to introduce everyone to each other in an informal environment. It was a very enjoyable evening and led us in to next days clinic on more familiar territory.

During the evening Elaine & Kayleigh Stent were congratulated and presented with a certificate of appreciation for their wonderful fundraising efforts for PAWS-GIST. A substantial part of which was raised at the PAWS-GIST ball which they organised.

We had a significant turnout of specialists on the day, including:

  • Dr V Ramesh Bulusu - Consultant Oncologist.
  • Dr Ruth Casey – Consultant Endocrinologist
  • Dr Olivier Giger - Histopathologist and Molecular Pathologist
  • Mr Myles Smith – Consultant Surgical Oncologist and general Surgeon
  • Dr Henry Dabritz – Clinical Research Scientist, Cancer Metabolism
  • Dr Ines Modolell – Consultant Gastroenterologist
  • Dr Betina Winzeler – Endocrinologist
  • Dr Fleur Talbot - Endocrinologist

On this occasion the clinic was attended by six patients, a further two were unable to attend at the last minute. Each came armed with questions and information of note about themselves and their family medical history. All came away with a very much more detailed understanding of their GIST and a plan of action, while in return contributing to the research that is a growing and vital aspect of the PAWS-GIST initiative.

Feedback has been very positive.

It was a long day but well worth it.

Sincere thanks to all of the medical professionals support team who make this clinic happen. Everyone is extremely grateful for your expertise and dedication.

Posted in PAWS-GIST News.