Supporting GIST Cancer patients throughout the Covid19 pandemic

One of the things patients and their carers tell us they most value about our Patient Meetings is having the opportunity to share experiences with other patients.

So when we had to cancel some of this years Patient Meetings due to the pandemic we decided to produce some videos featuring "PAWS-GIST patients talking about their personal GIST story".

Funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery, has helped us to produce the following videos (just click on the links below to access them).

• Dealing with the physiological impact of a GIST diagnosis
• Managing the Side Effects of Treatments
• Living without a stomach

We hope you find them useful.

A big thank you to  Tony, Vicky and Amalia for being so inspirational!

We would also like to thank The National Lottery Community Fund (and the Government) for supporting this project and providing additional funding to help make up the shortfall in our income due to the Coronavirus.

Posted in PAWS-GIST News.