2015 Calendar in aid of PAWS-GIST available now…

Wild-life Photographer Charlie Hamilton-James & Businessman James Crawford have produced a charity calendar in aid of PAWS-GIST. (Paediatric, Adolescent, Wild-type & Syndromic-GIST cancer).

PAWS-GIST patron “Charlie”, photojournalist and presenter has donated 12 of his fabulous wild-life photos.

James & Touchpoint Change Consultants who are PAWS-GIST supporters, have funded 500 copies of the PAWS-GIST Calendar for 2015 and are selling them for £8.50 each (plus postage).

The calendars feature 12 stunning photographs of wildlife from around the globe including Lions, Leopard, Orang-utan, Otters and Kingfishers.

All funds raised from the sale of this calendar are being donated to PAWS-GIST who aim to improve treatment, be a catalyst for research and find a cure for children, adolescents and younger adults diagnosed with GIST cancer and all patients diagnosed with wild-type GIST cancer.

To order your copy and support this ground-breaking initiative, please email: fundraising@pawsgistclinic.org.uk


Posted in PAWS-GIST News.